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Organization costs is listed in income statement.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say

Organization costs is listed in income statement.



C.Doesn't say

更多“Organization costs is listed in income statement.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say”相关的问题


Organization costs are belong to assets.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say

Organization costs are belong to assets.



C.Doesn't say



Public goods are those commodities whose enjoyment nobody can be effectively excluded.Ev
erybody is free to enjoy the benefits of these commodities, and one person's utilization does not reduce the possibilities of anybody else's enjoying the same good.

Examples of public goods are not as rare as one might expect.A flood control dam is a public good.Once the dam is built, all persons living in the area will benefit------irrespective of their own contribution to the construction cost of the dam.The same holds true for highway signs or aids to navigation.Once a lighthouse is built, no ship of any nationality can be effectively excluded from the utilization of the lighthouse for navigational purposes.National defense is another example.Even a person who voted against military expenditures or did not pay any taxes will benefit from the protection afforded.

It is no easy task to determine the social costs and social benefits associated with a public good.There is no practicable way of charging drivers for looking at highway signs, sailors for watching a lighthouse and citizens for the security provided to them through national defense.Because the market does not provide the necessary signals, economic analysis has to be substituted for the impersonal judgement of the marketplace.

1.With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?

A.Mechanisms for safer navigation.

B.The economic structure of the marketplace.

C.A specific group of commodities.

D.The advantage of lowering taxes.

2.Which of the following marks the feature of public goods?

A.Each citizen has a share of the ownership of the commodity.

B.No one is excluded from the benefits of the goods.

C.People can enjoy the utilization of them if they contribute to it.

D.The use of them is determined by how much one pay.

3.According to the passage, finding out the social costs of a public good is a ().

A.difficult procedure

B.daily administrative duty

C.matter of personal judgement

D.citizen's responsibility

4.To find out the market for public goods, people need to ().

A.watch out for the necessary market signals

B.invent a practicable way of charging users

C.make impersonal judgement of the marketplace

D.do economic analysis of their costs and benefits

5.Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the first two paragraphs?

A.Suggestions for the application of an economic concept are offered.

B.Several generalizations are presented from which various conclusions are drawn.

C.Persuasive language is used to argue against a popular idea.

D.A general concept is defined and then examples are given.



The McIntyre Resort (MR), which is privately owned, is a world famous luxury hotel and gol

The McIntyre Resort (MR), which is privately owned, is a world famous luxury hotel and golf complex. It has been chosen as the venue to stage ‘The Robyn Cup’, a golf tournament which is contested by teams of golfers from across the globe, which is scheduled to take place during July 2009. MR will offer accommodation for each of the five nights on which guests would require accommodation.

The following information is available regarding the period of the tournament:

(1) Hotel data:

Total rooms 2,400

Room mix:

Double rooms 75%

Single rooms 15%

Family rooms 10%

Fee per room per night ($):

Double rooms 400

Single rooms 300

Family rooms 600

Number of guests per room:

Double rooms 2

Single rooms 1

Family rooms 4

When occupied, all rooms will contain the number of guests as above.


Variable cost per guest per night $100

Attributable fixed costs for the five-day period:

Double rooms $516,000

Single and family rooms (total) $300,000

(2) Accommodation for guests is provided on an all-inclusive basis (meals, drinks, entertainment etc).

(3) The objective of the hotel management is to maximise profit.

(4) The hotel management expect all single and family rooms to be ‘sold out’ for each of the five nights of the

tournament. However, they are unsure whether the fee in respect of double rooms should be increased or

decreased. At a price of $400 per room per night they expect an occupancy rate of 80% of available double

rooms. For each $10 increase/decrease they expect the number of rooms to decrease/increase by 40.


(a) (i) Calculate the profit-maximising fee per double room that MR should charge per night during the

tournament; (6 marks)

(ii) Calculate how much profit would be earned from staging the tournament as a consequence of charging

that fee. (4 marks)

(b) The management of the hotel are concerned by the level of variable costs per guest night to be incurred in respect of the tournament. A recent review of proposed operational activities has concluded that variable cost per guest per night in all rooms in the hotel would be reduced by 20% if proposed changes in operational activities were made. However, this would result in additional attributable fixed costs amounting to $200,000 in respect of the five day period.


Advise management whether, on purely financial grounds, they should make the proposed changes in

operational activities. (6 marks)

(c) Discuss TWO initiatives that management might consider in order to further improve the profit from staging the golf tournament. (4 marks)



(a) Gasnature is a publicly traded entity involved in the production and trading of natura

(a) Gasnature is a publicly traded entity involved in the production and trading of natural gas and oil. Gasnature jointly owns an underground storage facility with another entity, Gogas. Both parties extract gas from offshore gas fields, which they own and operate independently from each other. Gasnature owns 55% of the underground facility and Gogas owns 45%. They have agreed to share services and costs accordingly, with decisions regarding the storage facility requiring unanimous agreement of the parties. The underground facility is pressurised so that the gas is pushed out when extracted. When the gas pressure is reduced to a certain level, the remaining gas is irrecoverable and remains in the underground storage facility until it is decommissioned. Local legislation requires the decommissioning of the storage facility at the end of its useful life. Gasnature wishes to know how to treat the agreement with Gogas including any obligation or possible obligation arising on the underground storage facility and the accounting for the irrecoverable gas. (9 marks)

(b) Gasnature has entered into a 10-year contract with Agas for the purchase of natural gas. Gasnature has made an advance payment to Agas for an amount equal to the total quantity of gas contracted for 10 years which has been calculated using the forecasted price of gas. The advance carries interest of 6% per annum, which is settled by way of the supply of extra gas. Fixed quantities of gas have to be supplied each month and there is a price adjustment mechanism in the contract whereby the difference between the forecasted price of gas and the prevailing market price is settled in cash monthly. If Agas does not deliver gas as agreed, Gasnature has the right to claim compensation at the current market price of gas. Gasnature wishes to know whether the contract with Agas should be accounted for under IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. (6 marks)

(c) Additionally, Gasnature is finalising its financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2015 and has the following issues:

(i) Gasnature purchased a major refinery on 1 January 2015 and the directors estimate that a major overhaul is required every two years. The costs of the overhaul are approximately $5 million which comprises $3 million for parts and equipment and $2 million for labour. The directors proposed to accrue the cost of the overhaul over the two years of operations up to that date and create a provision for the expenditure. (4 marks)

(ii) From October 2014, Gasnature had undertaken exploratory drilling to find gas and up to 31 August 2015 costs of $5 million had been incurred. At 31 August 2015, the results to date indicated that it was probable that there were sufficient economic benefits to carry on drilling and there were no indicators of impairment. During September 2015, additional drilling costs of $2 million were incurred and there was significant evidence that no commercial deposits existed and the drilling was abandoned. (4 marks)


Discuss, with reference to International Financial Reporting Standards, how Gasnature should account for the above agreement and contract, and the issues raised by the directors.

Note: The mark allocation is shown against each of the items above.

Professional marks will be awarded in question 3 for clarity and quality of presentation. (2 marks)



When activity-based costing is used for environmental accounting, which statement is corre
ct for environment-related costs and environment-driven costs?

A.Environment-related costs can be attributed to joint cost centres and environment-driven costs cannot be

B.Environment-driven costs can be attributed to joint cost centres and environment-related costs cannot be

C.Both environment-related costs and environment-driven costs can be attributed to joint cost centres

D.Neither environment-related costs nor environment-driven costs can be attributed to joint cost centres



A nontaxable organization, such as the Boy Scouts, cannot be considered an organizatio


In phone booths in the U.S. there are usually () for using the telephone.







()is usually the biggest logistic costs for most companies







The house costs a fortune to maintain.



East Company incurs $110,000 of costs to establish technological feasibility of a new
software application it hopes to sell and $90,000 of costs to develop the application.West Company incurs $110,000 of research costs related to a new product and $90,000 of development costs for the product.If East reports under U.S.GAAP and West reports under IFRS, these projects will:

A.increase East’s total assets more the West’s total assets.

B.increase West’s total assets more the West’s total assets.

C.have the same effects on East’s and West’s total assets.

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《推动知识产权高质量发展年度工作指引(2024)》提出要全面推进专利转化运用专项行动,力争年底前实现未转化有效专利盘点全覆盖,一批实现快速转化,知识产权质押融资规模和惠及中小企业数量增长以上,全国增加值占国内生产总值比重稳步提高。()《知识产权强国建设纲要(2021-2035年)》中指出()是引领发展的第一动力。2024年政府工作报告提出,2024年赤字率拟按()安排,赤字规模4.06万亿元,比上年年初预算增加1800亿元。2024年政府工作报告指出,数字经济加快发展,5G用户普及率超过()。 A、25% B、30%2024年“基金监管同参与守好群众‘救命钱’”有奖问答活动入口我们要将科技创新成果应用到具体产业上,培育壮大()。 A、新兴产业 B、未来产业2024年政府工作报告指出,深化()等社会民生领域改革。 A、收入分配 B、社会保障以下哪些场景用户问询量会比较高,需要配备充足的人力?() A.商家自播期间 B.达人直播期间针对商品定价遵循的原则,以下哪些是应该遵守的?() A.商家要对所有价格的真实性、准确性、合法性负责 B.商家要明码标价,不得乱标价、标高价或明显高出商品历史价格,同品类商品价格以及行业均价虚假宣传包括但不限于通过()等形式明示或暗示与商品实际内容不相符的虚假信息,使消费者对商品的质量、成分、有效期限、产地、价格等产生误解的行为。
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