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Who determined the actual level of federal funds rate?A.The Fed.B.Market forces.C.The FOMC

Who determined the actual level of federal funds rate?

A.The Fed.

B.Market forces.


D.none of the above.

更多“Who determined the actual level of federal funds rate?A.The Fed.B.Market forces.C.The FOMC”相关的问题


My father was 17 when he left the farm in Cameron,N.C., and set off for Baltimore to
apply for a job at the Martin Aircraft Company. When asked what he wanted to do, he said,"Everything." He explained that his goal was to learn every job in the factory. He’d like to go to a department and find out what was done there. When the supervisor determined his work was as good as anyone else’s, he’d want to go to a different department and start over. The personnel people agreed to this unusual request, and by the time H.T.Morris was 20, he’d made his way through the huge factory and was working in experimental design for a fantastic salary. Whenever he went to a new department, he looked for the guys who had been around forever. These were the people novices usually avoided, afraid that next to them they’d look like the beginners they were. My father asked them every question he could think of. They liked this inquisitive young man and showed him shortcuts they had developed that no one else had ever asked about. These sages became his mentors. Whatever your goals, plan to network with those who know more than you. Model your efforts on theirs, adjusting and improving as you go.

The author’s father applied for a job at the Martin Aircraft Company and his goal was ()

A、to be a good worker with a special knowledge about his work

B、to do everything assigned him willingly

C、to be able to do whatever job there was in the factory

D、to be a good supervisor himself in the future



Just about 40% of employees and managers in a North American survey said they know how
they can increase their base pay or cash bonuses. The results suggest employers lose much of the value of the pay raises and bonuses they distribute by not communicating effectively. “Many employees and managers simply don’t understand why they get paid what they do,” points out Rob Heneman, professor of management and human resources, Ohio State University, Columbus. “Businesses can’t get a good return of their compensation investment if people don’t understand how their pay is determined.”

The survey of more than 6,000managers and employees in 26 organizations in the U.S. and Canada showed that employees and managers felt their employers did a good job explaining their performance objectives and the way their performance is measured. They were unclear, though, about how performance was related to pay. Surprisingly, employees reported they knew more about stock options at their companies and how they are determined than how base pay is. However, the results showed that base pay knowledge plays a larger role in overall pay satisfaction than do other forms of compensation, such as bonuses. Employees who had higher levels of pay knowledge showed greater overall pay satisfaction, which, in turn, was linked to higher levels of retention(聘用), commitment to the company, and even trust in management. In other words, Heneman emphasizes, ensuring that employees understand their pay is good for a company’s bottom line.

He feels that corporate culture is often a major problem in dealing with the lack of pay knowledge among workers. In many companies, it is considered taboo—or even explicitly forbidden—to discuss matters dealing with salary. In lieu of (代替) disclosing actual pay amounts of employees to others within the company, management can provide more information about pay practices and policies, such as the process used to determine salary, and the average of raises in a particular year. Workers want more than generalities; they want to know how pay policies apply to their particular situation, Heneman points out. That often means managers need to sit down with their employees one-on-one.

21. What does the North American Survey mainly suggest?

A. If the employers make their pay policy known better, the company would get more in return.

B. If the employers make their pay policy known better, they would get pay raises and bonuses.

C. If the employees know more about the pay policy of the company, they would get more.

D. If the employees know more about the pay policy of the company, they would become one in the management.

22. The employers of many companies failed to ______.

A. explain what their performance objectives were

B. explain the way performance was measured

C. explain the way performance was related to pay

D. explain how performance was related to promotion

23. Which of the following is the most important factor in overall pay satisfaction?

A. Stock options.

B. Bonuses.

C. Corporate culture.

D. Base pay.

24. The employees who understand and are satisfied with their pay would ______.

A. be willing to remain in the bottom line

B. be willing to be loyal and dedicated to the company

C. be ensured that their pay is justified

D. be ensured that their employers are worthwhile

25. What can employers do to help their employees know better how pay is determined?

A. They can shatter the taboo by encouraging discussion about salary matters among the employees.

B. They can disclose pay amounts of employees to others within the company.

C. They can talk with individual employee about how pay policies apply to his particular situation.

D. They can tell all employees the total of raises in a particular year.



_______it is determined which foreign country is to be visited, it is time to create







翻译:A determined person always tries to finish the job,no matter how hard it is.



The football team is ______ to fail in the competition if it continues to train that way.







We are determined to ______ our plan even if there are a lot of difficulties before

A.carry away

B.carry out

C.take over

D.take on



Public goods are those commodities whose enjoyment nobody can be effectively excluded.Ev
erybody is free to enjoy the benefits of these commodities, and one person's utilization does not reduce the possibilities of anybody else's enjoying the same good.

Examples of public goods are not as rare as one might expect.A flood control dam is a public good.Once the dam is built, all persons living in the area will benefit------irrespective of their own contribution to the construction cost of the dam.The same holds true for highway signs or aids to navigation.Once a lighthouse is built, no ship of any nationality can be effectively excluded from the utilization of the lighthouse for navigational purposes.National defense is another example.Even a person who voted against military expenditures or did not pay any taxes will benefit from the protection afforded.

It is no easy task to determine the social costs and social benefits associated with a public good.There is no practicable way of charging drivers for looking at highway signs, sailors for watching a lighthouse and citizens for the security provided to them through national defense.Because the market does not provide the necessary signals, economic analysis has to be substituted for the impersonal judgement of the marketplace.

1.With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?

A.Mechanisms for safer navigation.

B.The economic structure of the marketplace.

C.A specific group of commodities.

D.The advantage of lowering taxes.

2.Which of the following marks the feature of public goods?

A.Each citizen has a share of the ownership of the commodity.

B.No one is excluded from the benefits of the goods.

C.People can enjoy the utilization of them if they contribute to it.

D.The use of them is determined by how much one pay.

3.According to the passage, finding out the social costs of a public good is a ().

A.difficult procedure

B.daily administrative duty

C.matter of personal judgement

D.citizen's responsibility

4.To find out the market for public goods, people need to ().

A.watch out for the necessary market signals

B.invent a practicable way of charging users

C.make impersonal judgement of the marketplace

D.do economic analysis of their costs and benefits

5.Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the first two paragraphs?

A.Suggestions for the application of an economic concept are offered.

B.Several generalizations are presented from which various conclusions are drawn.

C.Persuasive language is used to argue against a popular idea.

D.A general concept is defined and then examples are given.



Being half the size of the other boys,he got.absolutely nowhere.The young man was dete

rmined to try his best at every practice,and perhaps he'd get to play when he became a senior.He ran,passed,blocked,and tackled like a star.His team began to triumph.In the closing seconds of the game,this kid intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown.



听力原文:M: The rate on a personal loan is fixed according to the base rate at the time wh
en the loan is made.

W: But it is always higher than the base rate, isn't it?

Q: What is determined when a personal loan is made?


A.Rate on the personal loan.

B.Base rate of the bank.

C.The amount of payment.

D.Personal loan's time period.



听力原文:The inter-bank market is important because through banks' lending and borrowing,

听力原文: The inter-bank market is important because through banks' lending and borrowing, a short-term interest rate can be determined. This interest rate indicates the marginal cost of acquiring short-term liquidity needed by banks in the money market. Thus, the lending is usually for short-term liquidity needs which is usually overnight. Some lending transactions may be arranged for a longer period of time, usually up to 3 months. The inter-bank money market is well established and active in Hong Kong, with an average daily turnover of HK $ 38 billion in late 1991. Lenders are mostly the locally incorporated banks and major borrowers are the foreign banks that do not have adequate deposit base in local currency.

28. What can be determined through inter-bank lending and borrowing?

29.How long is the usual period of short-term liquidity needed by banks?

30.Who are the major lenders in the inter-bank market?


A.A long-term interest rate.

B.A long-term loan.

C.A short-term interest rate.

D.A short-term loan.

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因工作需要,从互联网及其他公共信息网络上将所需数据复制到涉密计算机及网络,下列哪些方式符合保密要求()。 A.直接使用U盘拷贝 B.使用国家保密行政管理部门批准的信息单向导入设备涉密人员在岗期间应及时报告下列哪些重大事项()。 A.发现敌对势力和境外情报机构针对本人有渗透、策反行为的 B.接受境外机构、组织及非亲属人员资助的涉密人员不从事涉密工作时,以下哪些载体和设备应及时、主动清退?() A.涉密文件资料 B.涉密计算机某农业公司,通过境外非法渠道购买涉及番茄、辣椒、甜瓜等多种植物种子。该农业公司的行为,以下说法正确的是()。 A.该公司的行为不构成犯罪 B.该公司的行为构成间谍罪根据《中华人民共和国境外非政府组织境内活动管理法》,以下哪种行为会被追究法律责任?() A.某境外法律公益组织在境内进行法律援助时煽动群众抗拒法律实施当收到境外可疑的短信或电话,以下哪些做法是正确的?() A.立即回复或接听 B.保持警惕,不轻易相信短信或电话内容国家安全机关工作人员依法执行反间谍工作任务时,依照规定出示工作证件,可以查验以下哪些人的身份证明?() A.中国公民 B.在中国境内的外国人重点涉密人员,手机APP应用安装时,()权限不宜允许授权。 A.位置信息 B.相机保密法第三条规定:坚持()对保密工作的领导。2024年信州区入党积极分子结业考试题库--《中国共产党党徽党旗条例》正式发布于()
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