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You have been appointed as deputy Chief Financial Officer to a large multinational pharmac

eutical company with trading interests in 24 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, South America and the Indian sub-continent. Your company also has important trading links with the United States, Malaysia and Singapore. There have been a number of issues arising in the previous six months which have impacted upon the company’s business interests.

(i) Following an investigation you discover that commissions were paid to a senior official in one country to ensure that the local drug licensing agency concerned facilitated the acceptance of one of your principal revenue earning drugs for use within its national health service.

(ii) You have discovered that an agent of your firm, aware that the licensing agreement might be forthcoming,

purchased several call option contracts on your company’s equity.

(iii) A senior member of the firm’s treasury team has been taking substantial positions in currency futures in order to protect the risk of loss on the translation of dollar assets into the domestic currency. Over the last 12 months significant profits have been made but the trades do not appear to have been properly authorised. You discover that a long position in 50, $250,000 contracts is currently held but over the last four weeks the dollar has depreciated by 10% and all the signs are that it will depreciate considerably more over the next two months.

(iv) One drug company has managed to copy a novel drug that you have just released for the treatment of various forms of skin cancer. You have patent protection in the country concerned but your company has not been able to initiate proceedings through the local courts. Contacts with the trade officials at your embassy in the country concerned suggest that the government has made sure that the proceedings have not been allowed to proceed.

The company’s chief financial officer has asked you to look into these issues and, with respect to (iv), any World Trade

Organisation (WTO) agreements that might be relevant, and to advise her on how the company should proceed in each case.


Prepare a memorandum advising the Chief Financial Officer on the issues involved and recommending how she should, in each case and in the circumstances, proceed.

更多“You have been appointed as deputy Chief Financial Officer to a large multinational pharmac”相关的问题


Have you been()(休息)?







I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.B: Oh, not at all.I ________ here only a few minutes

A. Oh, not at all.I ________ here only a few minutes.

B.have come

C.had been


E.have been



“Why are you so hot?”“l () on the playground.”

A.am running

B.have been running

C.was running

D.had been running



I didn’t know________.

A.how long he would finish it

B.where you had gone

C.where you have been

D.what was the matter with her



—Excuse me, when will the 17:15 train arrive —().

A.I don’t know

B.It’s been delayed one hour

C.You have to be patient

D.Don’t ask me



Speaker A: I just recently moved into the neighborhood.Speaker B: __5__ How recently?Spe

Speaker A: I just recently moved into the neighborhood.

Speaker B: __5__ How recently?

Speaker A: Just last week.

Speaker B: What kinds of things have you been doing out there?

Speaker A: __6__

Speaker B: why not?

Speaker A: I don’t know what to do.

Speaker B: There’re all sort of things to do.

Speaker A: __7__

Speaker B: Shopping, or seeing a movie, or even going to the beach.

Speaker A: That sounds great.

A.I haven’t been doing much


C.How are you doing

D.Like what



听力原文:We found that the documents we received did not comply with the requirements.(10)

听力原文:We found that the documents we received did not comply with the requirements.


A.We paid you early as required.

B.Your documents came to us as required.

C.Your documents have been correctly presented as required.

D.You did not present the documents as required.



a. I’m sorry that I spilt some coffee on your carpet.b.________________________________

a. I’m sorry that I spilt some coffee on your carpet.


A、You should have been more careful.

B、Why did you do that?

C、Oh, I don’t care.

D、Oh, don’t worry about it.



Directions: Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best

answer for each statement from the four choices marked A, B,C and D.

“It hurts me more than you”, and “This is for your own good.” These are the statements my mother used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin, clean my room, stay home and do homework.

That was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we decided it was all right not to push our children to achieve their best in school. The schools and the educators made it easy on us. They taught that it was all right to be parents who take a let-alone policy. We stopped making our children do homework. We gave them calculators, turned on the television, left the teaching to the teachers and went on vacation.

Now teachers, faced with children who have been developing at their own pace for the past 15 years, are realizing we’ve made a terrible mistake. One such teacher is Sharon·Klompus who says of her students—“so passive”—and wonders what happened. Nothing was demanded of them, she believes. Television, says Klompus, contributes to children’s passivity. “We’re not training kids to work any more,” says Klompus. “We’re talking about a generation of kids who’ve never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will always do it for them. Instead of saying ‘go look it up’, you tell them the answer. It takes greater energy to say no to a kid.”

Yes, it does. It takes energy and it takes work. It’s time for parents to end their vacation and come back to work. It’s time to take the car away, to turn the TV off, to tell them it hurts you more than them but it’s for their own good. It’s time to start telling them no again.

1.Children are becoming more inactive in study because__________.

A.they watch TV too often

B.they have done too much homework

C.they have to fulfil too many duties

D.teachers are too strict with them

2.According to historic books, women in the Song Dynasty used paper cut as headdress.()



C.Doesn’t say



In the United States, a person can take credit only for what he has accomplished by hims
elf. Americans get no credit whatsoever for having been born into a rich or privileged family. (In the United States, that would be considered “an accident of birth.”) Americans pride themselves in having been born poor and, through their own hard work, having climbed the difficult ladder of success to whatever level they have achieved--all by themselves. The American social system has, of course, made it possible for Americans to move, relatively easily, up the social ladder, whereas this is impossible to do in many other countries. The “self-made man or woman” is still very much the ideal in present-day America. Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual. They claim that it challenges or forces each person to produce the very best that is humanly possible. Consequently, the foreign visitor will see if you come from competition being fostered in the American home and in the American classroom, even at the youngest level. You may find the value placed on the competition disagreeable, especially if you come from a society that promote cooperation rather than competition among individuals. But Americans teaching in Third World countries find the lack of competitiveness in a classroom situation equally distressing. They soon learn that what they had thought to be one of the universal human characteristics represented only a peculiarly American (or Western) value.

Americans, valuing competition, have devised an economic system to go with-free enterprise. Americans feel very strongly that a highly competitive economy will bring out the best in its people and ultimately, that the society which fosters competition will progress most rapidly. If you look for it, you will see evidence in all areas--in all fields as diverse as medicine, the arts, education, and sports--that free enterprise is the approach most often preferred in America.

16. What does the author mean by saying “The ‘self-made man or woman’ is still very much the ideal in present-day America”?

A. Americans no longer respect those who are born rich as they used to.

B. Americans still respect those who have climbed up the social ladder through hard work.

C. Americans think that an ideal man or woman should be born poor.

D. Americans think that only the self-made man or woman is worthy of respect.

17. What does the author think of the American social system?

A. It is a system that does not favor those who are born rich.

B. It is a system that makes social climbing very difficult, if not impossible.

C. It makes it comparatively easy for the poor to move up the social ladder.

D. It is the best system possible in the world

18. Americans teaching in Third World countries found that ___.

A. competition is a unique American (or Western ) value

B. competition must be fostered in the classroom for success in business

C. cooperation is more important than competition in bringing about progress

D. competition is one of the universal human characteristics

19. We can infer from the passage that free enterprise is ____.

A. an economic system allowing free competition among businesses

B. a belief that competition brings out the best in any individual

C. an attitude that values competition rather than cooperation

D. a theory that advocates competition as the source of all progress

20. Americans would most likely frown at you if you ____.

A. complain that you were born poor and had had no opportunities

B. tell then you were born poor and had to work with your hands

C. go around telling people that your father is a self-made man

D. tell them that their social system is not necessarily the best

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